Along with the change to and from Daylight Saving time twice every year, I propose Climate Savings Time. The purpose behind this is acclimation - to encourage our bodies to welcome a different range of temperature. In three weeks it is possible to adjust to different ambient temperatures, within reason. Thus during the Winter in the colder regions - probably the northern two thirds of the US, at least - we might be comfortable at a temperature around 70 degrees F. Depending on the building, amount of clothing, our activity level and so on, we might tolerate temperatures from 65 to 75 degrees. Once the hot weather rolls around we throw off extra clothing, and turn the thermostat up a bit - but not very much, generally. I notice that people still expect temperatures around 74- 78 degrees, or less - considerably less it seems in cinemas and supermarkets. We could definitely save a good deal of energy if we did not have to cool our buildings to the same extent. We can adjust to a wider range of temperatures. Part of it is mental willingness to put up with a wider range of physical comfort, at least in the short term. But our bodies and their perceptions can rapidly adjust to a new norm; three weeks is what I am suggesting, based on research done in the past.
So for all regions where there is a switch from a heating to a cooling season, I suggest a three week "Climate
Saving" changeover. Right after the introduction of Daylight Saving Time will work fine for most areas, I think.
So to switch from a winter setting of 68 to a summer setting of 78, we are only changing by 10 degrees in 21 days. Thus altering the thermostat settings by one degree every two days would do it, and should not be too great a shock to the system.
Comfort at higher temperatures depends to quite an extent on humidity, as well on air speed (as air passes over our skin it encourages evaporation and makes us cooler). So one of the important things air conditioning does is to reduce humidity. The whole question of temperature and humidity settings, perceived comfort, and energy savings, is thus a bit more complex, and I'll deal with it in more detail in other postings.